In between writing books and editing books for clients, my hobby is crochet. While I do have an Etsy store for more…perilous items, sometimes I actually create things you wouldn’t have to explain while laughing! Lately I’ve been obsessed with this easy crochet crowns pattern — because they are cute, satisfying, work up quickly, and serve to help us celebrate things like the beginning of spring, getting our Covid shots, releasing new books, and going a whole day where no cat threw up on the cream colored carpet.

This was the first crochet crown I made, using a yarn that has sequins in it. I’m keeping it for myself and I plan to wear it when I get my second Covid shot! As for the duct taped head it’s on, well, the styrofoam head form that my children had done frightening things to was not actually adult head size. So I asked Kid2, who is very crafty, to use duct tape and fiberfill to increase the size of the head form so I could either display hats or dry crowns that needed fabric stiffener.
I am thinking of doing a crown giveaway in a Facebook group I recently joined ( The main thing I use FB for lately is the groups. That’s where all the fun stuff is. I belong to groups for my mad love for crocheting, the Aldi grocery store, and chonky cats, and strange things found in second hand stores, and a number of other subjects that are very uplifting and amusing. Granted, I’m also pretty politically active, so I also belong to some of those groups, but for the uplift, there’s nothing like fat cats and people who love romance novels to relax you and make you glad the internet exists.
Would you like your own crochet crown? What would YOU wear it for?

Jody Wallace’s 30+ titles in sf/f and contemporary romance feature diverse protagonists, action, adventure, and plenty of cats. Visit her at and the cats at