Free stories from Jody Wallace? Sure! What else can you get from me without having to spend money?
1. Answers to relatively polite emails.
2. A newsletter, periodically.
3. Plentiful cat jokes and hilarious stories about meankitties at my “hobby” website, Mostly SFW and SFKids. It’s a long-standing site since 2000, yep, 2000. You gotta be really on the ball to maintain a domain name for that long!
4. Some short fiction! All of these stories stand alone, though some are related to other series.

If you’re a reviewer, I keep ARCs on hand of most of my work, too, and I have a review team you can email me about joining! It is small and we are very elite and snooty. Ha.
5. There is also some degree of humor, wit, and entertainment to be found for free on the website where I’m trying to sell off my vintage clothing collection without being a very good photographer or a very good seamstress or a very good expert on vintage.