Meankitty Publishing

meankittylogodetail.jpgWhat in the heck is this Meankitty Publishing you keep mentioning?
Is it taking submissions?
Are you kidding me?
No, really, who do you think you’re fooling?

Meankitty Publishing is a label I thought it would be amusing to put on books I (and a few friends) self-publish through Amazon, B&N, ARe and Smashwords (who sends them to places like the Apple iStore and Kobo). I’ve also released anthologies that include other authors.

Despite that, Meankitty Publishing is not a traditional, royalty-paying publisher, and we are not accepting submissions. In fact, it’s probably a bad joke. But it does make me laugh.

So why do this? One of the advantages to self-publishing is that I can, should I be so inclined, revise typos in my MKP products in a way most traditional publishers don’t have the flexibility to do. If a reader’s eagle eyes locate bona fide misspellings and formatting glitches any MKP releases, please let me know! I will send you a prize!

And yes, I did purchase the domain name, because how hilarious is that?

Meankitty Publishing’s vast CATalogue is pretty much everything I’ve written except the two lovely paranormal romances published with Carina Publishing. So you can just check out the Books and Stories page to see what’s on offer.