Peenvengers: Forgetting About the Beaver

Oh, Peenvengers. We know you’re trying hard to make everything right, but did you have to take your eye off the Beav?

Peenvengers comic strip

What heinous acts will Justin Beaver commit now that he’s free again? Stay tuned to find out during the next episode of… THE PEENVENGERS.

Jody Wallace
Smart. Snarky. Seductive. And that’s just the books. *

Peenvengers: In the Hot Seat

Not only is “Peenly Balanced” PNN News questioning the Peenvengers’ motives and authority, but the formerly admiring citizens are wondering just who it is that’s been defending their city from beavers…



That poor guy’s eyeball, though…

Jody Wallace
Smart. Snarky. Seductive. And that’s just the books. *

Peenvengers: Triumphant Return

The Peenvengers have eradicated the scourge that is Justin Beaver and are prepared to accept the city’s adulation.

Peenvengers comic strip

Uh-oh. Could the tide of public opinion be turning against the Peenvengers even though they saved poor Rocky from a fate worse than death? Probably? And they definitely didn’t kidnap him first, although what WAS he doing at their secret clubhouse? But never mind that, what will happen next?

Jody Wallace
Smart. Snarky. Seductive. And that’s just the books. *