Writing books isn’t the only thing a writer has to keep track of, especially not when she’s indie. I am pretty stoked to share that I have updated, or my cover artist Candice Gilmer has updated, the look and feel of the covers for my science fiction “during apocalypse” romance trilogy, the Maelstrom Trilogy. These covers should be hitting the genre right, not a swing and a whiff! I also renamed the first book from Angeli to DEFENDER because, well, there are no actual angels in that book (only fake ones) and it wouldn’t be fair to fans of actual angel romances to drag them into the scifi nonsense, would it?
Without further ado…

Hopefully these new covers that look more like SF and less than PNR will help readers find the delicious during apocalypse hijinks with fake angels, emo warriors, angry refugee women, resourceful computers, and lots of settings across the American West. Oh, and a brief appearance of a cat in #3 to appease Meankitty!

Jody Wallace’s 30+ titles in sf/f and contemporary romance feature diverse protagonists, action, adventure, and plenty of cats. Visit her at www.jodywallace.com and the cats at www.meankitty.com