Meankitty doesn’t just interview authors. She likes to interview READERS, too, and other humans willing to describe how cats are the best. Today’s interview is with Mewla Young who is also a cat blogger (Pictured: Ginger Grrrl)

1) Do you live with any cats? Please state names, ages, appearances and temperaments of the cats.
I serve three cats at present. Uli is the handsome 10-year-old tabby. He’s a moody boy, sometimes grumpy and sometimes a sweet little Casanova.
Uli’s step-brother is 10-year-old black beauty, Kwazi. This cuddly lover boy’s life purpose is to “make love, not war.”
In August 2021, Ginger Grrrl showed up at our doorstep. She won’t divulge her age, but she’s a mean-as-a-mamba, hot-headed redhead.

2) If you want to tell us about any humans in the house, that’s okay too. But you don’t have to.
Cat-Dad hangs out and takes turns with me entertaining the cats, scooping their litter, and otherwise worshipping them.
3) How much do you desert your cats (leave the house for things like “jobs” and “school”)?
I work from home, so I’m always available to my furballs. Of course, if I’m on an important phone call, I’ll need to close my office door or the cats will crawl all over me until I finish. This evening, I’m on the couch, balancing my laptop with my left hand and typing my answers with the pointer finger of my right hand so as not to disturb Kwazi, who is sprawled on my lap.
4) How much do you read and what do you usually read?
I read or listen to a book or two every week. I love mixed-genre novels. You can’t beat science fiction with some romance thrown in (like Catagenesis by the great Jody Wallace). I also like books about technology or science (Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari), living a vicarious rock and roll life via biographies about musicians, and books written by comics (just re-read Bossypants by Tina Fey)
Author’s note: Mewla was NOT paid to plug the author’s book!
5) Why do you think cats are better than dogs?
Cats are much more beautiful, more dignified, and cleaner than dogs! Smell a cat and then smell a dog. Enough said.
6) What are some of your favorite blog entries or videos you’ve done that portray cats very accurately, which is to say, as if they are the supreme beings on the planet?
Ginger Grrrl does a lot of reporting on my blog, including her series on cat care. She’s the first to point out that we humans are pretty thick at times, and tries to ensure that humans don’t make stupid mistakes when rearing and serving their cats.
7) In your experience, do you think cats would make better superstars of fiction, comics, movies or television? Please explain your choice with superlatives about feline gloriousness or at least something that makes sense to the humans reading this.
We need more books, comics, movies, and television shows involving cats! Cats make the world go round, so when will publishers and movie and TV producers better cater to cat lovers? We need cat superheroes and cat villains too! There’s a long history of cozy mysteries involving cats—beginning with books by Rita Mae Brown to Mollie Hunt—as well as children’s books, but why are there so few Young Adult novels, comic books, and movies that involve cats?
8) Do you have any amazing or humorous real life cat stories you’d like to share?
Well, the drama at our house began with Kwazi and Uli, step-brothers who have a life-long bromance, portrayed on their YouTube channel Cuddling Cats Kwazi and Uli. When Ginger Grrrl came along, Kwazi was smitten with her, and Uli was furious. He felt betrayed but forgave Kwazi. To this day, however, Uli despises Ginger. Ginger just waggles her cute butt in his face. Ginger and Uli still take turns pulling dirty tricks on one another. It’s quite a melodramatic love triangle.
Here is a video showing some of their recent run-ins: