(– This interview of DB Sieders was conducted with my writing partner several years ago and has been updated with her latest book cover!)

When my human wrote her book about dragon shifters, which is stupid because it wasn’t about CAT shifters, she paired up with another human who is owned by cats, and that human also wrote about dragon shifters. I decided we should probably hear what this other disgraceful author has to say. Will author DB Sieders earn any points on my worthiness scale? Let’s find out.
1) So you’ve written a book set in SE Smith’s wacky world of Magic, New Mexico. How many cats are in it?
Sadly there are no cats in this one, but my dragon hero Aiden is pretty standoffish at first. He could pass for an aloof but secretly lovable kitty if he had the skills to shift into one!
Heroine Gillian does NOT have cat-like reflexes, but she’s super smart, just like a cat (shameless pandering to superior species). She uses her wits as much as her magic to get out of sticky situations.
2) If there are no cats in it, please explain how cats would probably have made the book better (hint: they definitely would have made the book better). If there are cats how would MORE cats have made the book EVEN BETTER?
LOL, I’m sure there are cat shifters in Magic, New Mexico, and there definitely should be more. Probably indoor, though, since it gets wickedly hot during the day. Kitties must be kept safe, cool, and hydrated.
3) Are there cats in any of your other books?
Ooh, the heroine in my current work in progress will be adopting a cat-like creature from the hell realm. She’s a fierce, demon-hunting machine on the outside, but on the inside she’s a big softie. Naturally a demon kitten in peril would tug at her heartstrings. I mean, come on! Who wouldn’t want a paranormal kitty? Or a regular kitty?
I totally need another cat. Any advice on how to get hubby on board?
MK: Get the cat. He won’t even notice. I hear he’s gone a lot.
4) How about books by other authors with cats? Got any favorites?
Of course! Jody Wallace! I also love Jody’s dragons in Silver Bound. This collaboration was so much fun, and I’m sure Barnabas will get a cat for Nadia as a token of his affection.
MK: Since “Jody Wallace” the human whom I own did not put cats in THIS book, it doesn’t matter how many she put in other books. SHE GETS ZERO POINTS.

5) If you personally could shift into a cat, please tell us how you would utilize this power?
I would shift into a cat to nap and to hide from my kiddos!
Pic 1: Poffertje (Dutch for “tiny pancake”), my 17 year old lady kitty who doesn’t care if I shame her for planting her hairy butt on my clean clothes.
Pic 2 = Captain Jack Sparrow, my 3 year old ginger boy who loves to keep my company in the bathroom and get “potty pets.”

So, DB Sieders gets one point. I’d give her another for the nice pets and cuddles, but she always pays more attention to the other cats in this house than she does me. I do like the look of Sassy Captain Jack, though…
Captain Jack Sparrow sends his regards to Mean Kitty. Poffertje is too busy judging me. Thanks for the awesome interview!