Why Did You Write… That Story?

Do you ever read one of my books, or any author’s book, and think, WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU WRITE THAT??? Heh. Hopefully in a more flattering way, of course, but you know what I mean. One Thousand Kisses is a paranormal romance you might like to learn more about.

I was interviewed about the second of my Fey Realm books by fellow author Eilis Flynn last week and wanted to share. http://eilisflynn.blogspot.com/2021/03/story-behind-story-1000-kisses-by-jody.html

A very pretty graphic for the book one thousand kisses, a paranormal romance by Jody Wallace, which is the book itself inside what appears to be an ebook reader next to a beautifully blossoming and magical looking white flower

Will I ever write the next book in the series? It’s half-done but has been half-done for some time. It’s fully plotted and has been fully plotted for some time. I need encouragement and hugs or something. Look, I changed my footer to match!

The cover for 1000 kisses, a paranormal romance in which a cat plays a significant role (though not as one of the people in the romance)

Jody Wallace’s 30+ titles in sf/f and contemporary romance feature diverse protagonists, action, adventure, and plenty of cats. Visit her at www.jodywallace.com and the cats at www.meankitty.com

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